Dear Parents/ Guardians of TCS
We greet you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
We thank Father God for providing for each of us through this term. Each learner Gr 4-12 was able to bring a new testament bible home. We could go on our outreach to George Mukhari Hospital for the 18th year in a row due to the generous donations made by our school community. We hosted missionaries who work for Wycliff bible translators who translate the bible into languages of unreached people groups of the world. TCS was part of the World Global day of prayer. Please continue to pray for your children, for their salvation, a hunger for the word of God and a desire to follow the call of God on their lives.
We would like to thank all of the parents and guardians of the learners for ensuring all home work was done on time and to the best of the learner’s ability each day.
Aunty Thabi has stepped up as the acting Head of Department for Gr 4-6. Please pray for her and give your support as TCS parents do.
Please Diarise:
Wednesday 3 April 2024: School re- opens for the learners, staff and office staff.
Our Parents Meeting Saturday of 6th of April: Parents meeting for all parents from 7:30-11:30.
All parents are encouraged to attend. Letters will be going out to parents of learners’ parents we really need to see.
Tuckshop: The tender documents for our tuckshop will be made available to all those who would like to tender.
Parent Association
If you would like to serve on the Parent Association, please be sure to complete the return slip at the end of the newsletter. The purpose of the Parent Association is for parents to get involved in the family events and fund raising events of the school as well as joining hands to reach partners who could invest in our school. We need Parent Class representatives as well as those who are prepared to help at family events and fund raising events to be held in the future.
Please could you ensure that the transport your child makes use of is road worthy and is not over loaded.
End of term arrangements
Friday 15th March (Tomorrow): There is a fun day for GR RR-Gr3
Monday the 18th : There is a fun day for Grades 4-12. Learners are to wear their sport shorts and takkies with the coloured shirt allocated to them.
Tuesday the 19th : A drive through, this means the learners come to school as normal and collect their reports and leave on their transport right away.
In Him we live and move and have our being.
#We value Conduct that is loving , Joyous, patient, kind, peaceable, gentle, faithful, good and self-controlled.