T: 012 751 6747


Plot 101
Piet my vrou road
Onderstepoort, Pretoria, 0110
South Africa

TCS Newsletter 1 2024

Dear Parents/ Guardians of TCS
We greet you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

We would like to welcome all of our families back for 2024. A warm welcome to our new families joining us for the first time. We trust you will feel right at home amongst us.

Every child has been issued with a diary. As a parent please be sure to fill in the information at the front of the diary. Then turn to pg. 4-7 and 9-11 and read them with your child and sign each page. The diary needs to be signed every single day. The dates for the year have been printed in the diary and we will try very hard to keep to these dates.

Parent Information Meeting
On 20th of January we met in the hall. The Head of the Board Rev. Esau Motaung announced the appointment of Aunty Sandy Wubbeling as the Acting Principal.
During this meeting Finance was addressed. Please keep your child at home if you have not paid for your child’s fees by the 10am on the 7th of the month. They are to stay at home until the fees are paid. If they are sent to school, you will be called to come and fetch them. If you pay on the 7th please send proof of payment with your child.

Absenteeism: If your child is going to absent you need to call the office to let them know. You will also receive and SMS letting you know your child was absent. If you receive such a message and you are not aware your child was absent please call the office immediately.
Pray for your children and their teachers.

2023 Matric Results
With great thankfulness and joy we can report, 43 candidates wrote, 40 passed= 93% matric pass rate, 18 Bachelor passes = 42%, 16 Diploma passes = 37%, 6 Higher Certificate passes = 14%
Mogau Tau was our top student with 6 distinctions (Math, Physical Science, Afrikaans, Accounting, Computer Application Technology and LO)
Followed by Bokamoso Khotsa with 4 distinctions (Maths, Physical Science Accounting and LO)
Oletiloe Phalatse with 3 distinctions (Physical Science, Accounting , Computer Application Technology).
Khanyisile Raganya and Ongkabetse Moroane have been accepted for medicine.

Revised School Starting and Closing Time 07:40-14:30
As off tomorrow (Wednesday 7 February 2024) school will start 5 minutes earlier and end 10 minutes earlier. We have taken 5 minutes off of the administration period to accommodate this change.

Tuck shop
We will be putting together tender documents for our tuckshop. When the documents are ready we will invite those from our school community to tender for the operation of our tuckshop.
In Him we live and move and have our being.

#We value the Holy Spirit’s Guidance

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