T: 012 751 6747


Plot 101
Piet my vrou road
Onderstepoort, Pretoria, 0110
South Africa

Newsletter July 2021

15 July 2021

Dear Parents; brothers and sisters in the Lord

Greetings in the Name of our Rock and Salvation!

I waited patiently for the Lord
And he inclined to me
And heard my cry
He also brought me up out of the miry clay And set my feet on the Rock

And established my steps Ps.40:2

  1. School reopens 26 July (decree from Department of Education)
  2. Be reminded of messages from my office urging you to watch diligently over the health and safety of your family during these testing times
  3. Financial matters:

First and foremost: We bless the Lord for our faithful parents who diligently contribute to the finances of TCS However, due to our present precarious financial position (Outstanding balance on fees exceeding two million Rand),

the following procedures are implemented:

3.1. Parents who failed to keep to agreements made AND to keep me informed of deviation from arrangements made concerning payments, have been contacted by the office (on instructions from

the principal) informing them about them of their current negative balance and requesting them to submit the following:

  • Affidavit stating their current financial income position (receiving full/partial/no salary/plan for settlement of arrears and monthly fees
  • Copy of letter from employer if placed on unpaid leave/or employed on partial salary/dismissed/unemployed/date of returning to full employment
  • A copy of the latest agreement made with the principal
  • A copy of four most recent bank statements (current account)
  •  Completed attached cover letter 3.2.All requested documentation must be certified 3.3. Place documents in plastic bag and seal
    3.4. Cut-off date for submission: 26 July. (A postbox will be available at the small gate)
    3.5. If you find the outer gate (Piet-my-Vrou) locked, phone Norest 0737861104/Edwin 0787741346 Please note:
    Do not phone the principal regarding this matter
    Above request as in paragraph 3 requires action only from parents who were contacted by the admin office Bless you Uncle Andre

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