T: 012 751 6747


Plot 101
Piet my vrou road
Onderstepoort, Pretoria, 0110
South Africa

TCS Newsletter to parents November 2020.1

Precious families,


“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord
The fruit of the womb is a reward
Like arrows in the hand of the warrior
So are the children of one’s youth
Blessed is the man who has his quiver full of them” Ps 127

“Those who sow in tears
Shall reap with joy
Those who continually go forth weeping Bearing seed for sowing
Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing Bringing his sheaves with him” Ps 126

Children born in our families are our heritage (gift) from the Lord. More than anything else we have achieved, they will carry our legacy for generations until the Lord returns, and then into eternity (even if, for now, “we sow in tears/go forth weeping”… we shall “reap with joy/come again with rejoicing …..”)

Our supreme responsibility as parents during their journey to adulthood (first eighteen? years) is to to prepare them for adulthood by equipping them emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. This is our one window of opportunity. Once they leave home, we will not have another opportunity to build into their lives

You have chosen TCS to support you in this God given responsibility.

Our commitment as staff:

  • To support parents in the training up of their children in the fear of the Lord
  • To provide well qualified, dedicated teachers to support parents in the training up of their children
  • To offer an educational program based on biblical principles and high academic and moral standards
  • To create a family atmosphere while your children are at school (Uncles and Aunties are not merely “quaint” terms, but a declaration of family) Your commitment as parents:
  • To acknowledge your prime responsibility and the supportive role of the school
  • To pray for TCS and their Uncles and Aunties
  • To be faithful in contributing the agreed fees to enable the school of your children to meet its recurring financial commitments Financial realities:
  • Our vision: “To provide affordable, high quality, independent Christian education …”
    Affordable: – to be accessible for children of parents who would otherwise not be in a position to afford private school education
    High quality – to be a living demonstration that outstanding academic achievements are not the exclusive domain of schools for the wealthy
    Independent: – to provide an alternative to a failing State Education system
    Christian: – to instill in future generations; “In Him we live and move and have our being”
  •  TCS adheres to the Biblical principle of tithing: One tenth of our enrollment is reserved for children from poor families where the parents survive on social grants with no other source of income
  • Being registered with the Department of Education as an independent school (1991), we qualify for an annual subsidy provided that our NSC pass rate exceeds that of the GDE (we have qualified consistently)
  • The subsidy contributes 17% of our gross income per annum
  • Except for a small contribution from donations, school fees make up the remaining 83%
    • As a registered Non-Profit Organization (legal requirement), no profit may be reflected in our audited annual financial statements (scrutinized by the Departments of Education/Social Services)
    • Implications:
      No reserve is carried over from one year to the next. All income for a year is expended on financial needs (as per budget) of that year
      Salaries paid to our teachers are far below salary scales of State Educators To service or monthly financial obligations, we are totally dependent on the faithfulness of parents in paying their fees 2021: Developments since lockdown
    •  Many of our families suffered a total or partial loss of income
    • The greatest impact was experienced by financially vulnerable families
    • Subsequently, income from school fees dropped dramatically
    • Parents finding themselves in above situation, were invited to meet with the principal to make arrangements for rescheduling of debt repayment of parents. Only a small number responded
    • The invitation was repeated when school reopened in July with the same result.
    • The school was (and still is) experiencing severe financial strain due to an ever dwindling income stream
    • A communication from the office of the bursar sent to individual defaulting families indicating: accumulated arrears
      the months where no payments were made the total amount in arrears
    • Defaulting parents were requested to submit to the office
      Certified bank statements as proof of no regular income (salary or other)
      An affidavit declaring their financial position and their school fees repayment plan Parents we also informed not to submit any further “arrangements/promises” (Only a few responses) Final arrangements: parents not honouring their fee payement commitment
    1. You will receive an invitation from the office to meet with the principal
    2. Please phone the office to arrange date and time
    3. Please bring along the affidavit and bank statements for March to October (No docs/no meeting)
    4. Please come with your plan for reschedulingDo note: We have only three weeks left in which to finalize matters which will determine whether you will be allowed to reregister your children for 2021
      The objective of this exercise: To prepare for a meeting with individual parents who complied with above with a view to come to an agreement on debt relief/debt rescheduling To all our parents: Thank you for ongoing support through your prayers and for faithfully contributing to the sustainability of your school. Bless you

Uncle Andre 16/11/20

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